The 2nd Amendment - It's Not Politics - It's The Constitution Pt 2

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2nd Amendment Rights Rally - Feb. 8th 2013

Location - Coryell County Annex 201 S. 2nd St. Copperas Cove

When - 11:00 - 1:00 February 8, 2013

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Gun Shows, Gun Prices, Gun Bans and Public Panic

I went to a gun show this weekend.  It's not that I was looking to buy a gun or rifle.  I just wanted to see what the prices would look like and what the general mood of the people going was.  Wow even I was surpised at what I found.

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National Buy Ammo Day - November 5th 2012

National Buy Ammo Day - It's Your Right Use It!

November 5, 2012 is National Buy Ammo Day - It is a day set aside by gun owners for gun owners.  These days it seems gun owners are under suspicion for things as simple as purchasing ammunition. 

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You Had to Pull The Trigger - Now What?

It seems we all practice and prepare for the a situation in which we have to use our guns in self-defense.  It is very important to be trained and know how to handle your gun and to control the use of your gun to protect innocent bystanders.  There is an aspect that is often not thought of and very rarely touched upon when it comes to the usage and training of hand guns....what happens after you pull the trigger?  I am not talking about when you are deer hunting or target practice I am talking about what happens if you have to pull the trigger and your round connects with the human target it was intended for?

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